Our Projects

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Industry sectors
Virtually all our projects include mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering. Our extended services include:
1 Park Avenue
Commercial 1990‑current
1 Penn Plaza
Commercial 1990‑current
1290 Avenue of the Americas
Commercial 2007‑current
330 West 34th Street
Commercial 1986‑current
350 Park Avenue
595 Madison Avenue
Commercial 2017
888 7th Avenue
Commercial 1998‑current
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Education 1987‑2024
Battery Park City Community Center
Commercial, Government 2005
Central Presbyterian Church
Cultural, Historic 2017‑current
Common/Breaking Ground, Pitt St. Housing
Residential 2006
Coney Island Hospital Emergency Department
Healthcare 2013
Dance Theater of Harlem
Cultural 2015
HUMC Sarkis and Siran Gabrellian Women’s and Children’s Pavilion
Healthcare 2001‑2003
London Terrace Towers Electrification
Residential 2023
The Morgan Library & Museum
Cultural, Historic 2018
New York Botanical Garden—Geothermal System
Cultural, Education, Historic 2023‑current
Scholastic Headquarters
Commercial, Education, Historic 1995‑2018