New York Yacht Club
About this Project
Project dates
Industry sectors
Services we performed
Fire Protection
MEP Engineering
The New York Yacht Club is a private social club and yacht club based in New York City and Newport, Rhode Island. It was founded in 1844 by nine prominent sportsmen.
We have been providing MEP/FP services to the New York Yacht Club for over 8 years. Our work has included MEP design services for the elimination of the existing Con Edison steam service. Over the course of our work, we have managed:
- Installation of a gas-fired, condensing type domestic water heater in the cellar mechanical room and removal of the existing steam heat exchanger.
- Installation of a backup heat exchanger in the cellar mechanical room to create domestic hot water from the existing heating hot water system.
- Replacement of existing 1st floor steam radiators with hot water type.
- Removal of existing Con Edison steam service
We also worked on:
- Fire alarm system repair
- Study and recommendation on the building HVAC system
- MEP design for the installation of two decorative natural gas fireplaces
- Study to enhance domestic hot water reliability and eliminate Con Edison steam service
- Emergency lighting for the main lobby, grill room & bar room
- Emergency egress lighting in Model Room
- 6th floor layout revisions
- Renovation of the existing cellar including improved kitchen & storage facilities and employee locker room