A Grand Ol’ Time

A Grand Ol’ Time

Having served millions of people in its more than 80 years of operation, New York City’s Grand Central Terminal is now in the midst of a $150 million renovation, which includes providing cool air to the plaiforms for the first time. Read the full article...
Grand Central’s Restoration

Grand Central’s Restoration

For more than three generations, the vast, marble concourse of New York City’s Grand Central Termi­nal has been a cross­roads for commuters, travelers, and sightse­ers. But the mechanical systems that heat, ventilate, and air condition the railroad station-while...
A Silent Performance at Carnegie Hall

A Silent Performance at Carnegie Hall

A client insisted that the new air conditioning system for the acoustically and visually splendid hall be noiseless and invisible. The engineers complied. Almost a century after its original opening, Carne­gie Hall has made a stunning second debut. Ever since...