Haven Colgate and Don Wershba with the visible part of their geothermal system

Haven Colgate and Don Wershba with the visible part of their geothermal system

For years, we’ve looked up to the sun to help save en­ergy costs. Now, sev­eral Westch­ester or­ga­ni­za­tions are sug­gest­ing a change in per­spec­tive. Buried deep be­neath our feet, they say, is an equally pow­er­ful, in­fi­nitely re­new­able, and clean en­ergy source: Ge­ot­her­mal.

“Any­one plan­ning for a new in­stal­la­tion, new con­struc­tion, or a ma­jor ren­o­va­tion should at least con­sider ge­ot­her­mal en­ergy and check whether it’s fea­si­ble on their prop­erty,” sug­gests Charles Copeland, CEO of Gold­man Copeland Con­sult­ing En­gi­neers and a promi­nent ex­pert on sus­tain­able build­ing in­fra­struc­ture.

Read the full article on The Hudson Independent